mgkit.plots.abund module¶
New in version 0.1.15.
Module to plot relative abundances in a 1D or 3D projection
(ax, labels=['LAM', 'SAM'], fontsize=22)[source]¶ Changed in version 0.2.0: reworked internals and changed defaults
Draws a 1D axis, to display propotions.
- Parameters
ax – an axis instance
labels (iterable) – list of string to be put for the axes
fontsize (float) – font size for the labels, the tick font size is equal to 0.75 * fontsize
(ax, color='r', linewidth=2.0)[source]¶ New in version 0.2.5.
Draws a triangle that indicates the 50% limit for all 3 samples
(ax, data, col_func=<function col_func_name>, csize=200, alpha=0.5, sizescale=None, order=None, linewidths=0.0, edgecolor='none')[source]¶ Changed in version 0.2.0: changed internals and added return value
Draws a scatter plot over either a planar-simplex projection, if the number of coordinates is 3, or in a 1D axis.
If the number of coordinates is 3,
is used to project the point in 2 coordinates. The coordinates are converted in proportions internally.- Parameters
ax – axis to plot on
data (pandas.DataFrame) – a DataFrame with 2 for a 1D plot or 3 columns for a planar-simplex
col_func (func) – a function that accept a parameter, an element of the DataFrame index and returns a colour for it
csize (int) – the base size of the circles
alpha (float) – transparency of the circles, between 0 and 1 included
sizescale (None, pandas.Series) – a Series or dictionary with the same elements as the Index of data, whose values are the size factors that are multiplied to csize. If None, the size of the circles is equal to csize
order (None, iterable) – iterable with the elements of data Index, to specify the order in which the circles must be plotted. If None, the order is the same as data.index
linewidths (float) – width of the circle line
edgecolor (str) – color of the circle line
- Returns
the return value of matplotlib scatter
- Return type
To not have circle lines, edgecolor must be ‘none’ and linewidths equal 0
(ax, labels=['LAM', 'SAM', 'EAM'], linewidth=1.0, styles=['-', ':', '--'], fontsize=22)[source]¶ Changed in version 0.2.0: reworked internals and changed defaults
Draws a triangle as axes, for a planar-simplex projection.
- Parameters
ax – an axis instance
labels (iterable) – list of string to be put for the axes
styles (None, iterable) – either None for solid lines or matplotlib line markers. These are in sync between the internal lines and the axes.
linewidth (float) – line width for the axes, the internal lines are equal to 0.75 * linewidth
fontsize (float) – font size for the labels, the tick font size is equal to 0.75 * fontsize