Manage SNP data.
from __future__ import division
from builtins import object
import logging
import enum
import json
from .. import DependencyError
import numpy
except ImportError:
raise DependencyError('numpy')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class RatioMixIn(object):
[docs] def calc_ratio(self, haplotypes=False):
.. versionchanged:: 0.2.2
split the function to handle *flag_value* in another method
Calculate :math:`\\frac {pN}{pS}` for the gene.
.. math::
:label: pn-ps
\\frac {pN}{pS} = \\frac{ ^{oN}/_{eN}}{ ^{oS}/_{eS}}
* oN (number of non-synonymous - **nonsyn**)
* eN (expected number of non-synonymous - **exp_nonsyn**)
* oS (number of synonymous - **syn**)
* eS (expected number of synonymous - **exp_syn**)
flag_value (bool): when there's no way to calculate the ratio, the
possible cases will be flagged with a negative number. This
allows to make substitutions for these values
haplotypes (bool): if true, coverage information is not used,
because the SNPs are assumed to come from an alignment that has
sequences having haplotypes
float: the :math:`\\frac {pN}{pS}` for the gene.
.. note::
Because pN or pS can be 0, and the return value would be NaN,
we take in account some special cases. The default return value
in this cases is :const:`numpy.nan`.
* Both synonymous and non-synonymous values are 0:
* if both the syn and nonsyn attributes are 0 but there's
coverage for this gene, we return a 0, as there's no
evolution in this gene. Before, the coverage was checked by
this method against either the passed *min_cov* parameter
that was equal to :data:`MIN_COV`. Now the case is for the
user to check the coverage and functions in
:mod:`mgkit.snps.conv_func` do that. If enough coverage was
achieved, the *haplotypes* parameter can be used to return a
All other cases return a NaN value
# Both values are non-zero
if (self.nonsyn != 0) and (self.syn != 0):
pn_value = self.nonsyn / self.exp_nonsyn
ps_value = self.syn / self.exp_syn
return pn_value / ps_value
# case in which a the SNPs come from haplotypes, in this case we don't
# need to check for coverage to return a 0 for this special case
elif (self.nonsyn == 0) and (self.syn == 0) and haplotypes:
return 0
return numpy.nan
[docs] def calc_ratio_flag(self):
.. versionadded:: 0.2.2
Handles cases where it's important to flag the returned value, as
explained in :meth:`GeneSNP.calc_ratio`, and when the both the number
of synonymous and non-synonymous is greater than 0, the pN/pS value is
* The number of non-synonymous is greater than 0 but the number of
synonymous is 0:
* if **flag_value** is **True**, the returned value is **-1**
* The number of synonymous is greater than 0 but the number of
non-synonymous is 0:
* if **flag_value** is **True**, the returned value is **-2**
| :math:`oS` | :math:`oN` | return value |
| >0 | >0 | **pN/pS** |
| 0 | 0 | **-3** |
| >0 | 0 | **-1** |
| 0 | >0 | **-2** |
# Both values are non-zero
if (self.nonsyn != 0) and (self.syn != 0):
pn_value = self.nonsyn / self.exp_nonsyn
ps_value = self.syn / self.exp_syn
return pn_value / ps_value
if self.nonsyn != 0:
# there's at least non-synonymous count but no synonymous one
# this will be converted in the max value for the matrix or
# to some other value (-1 flag this case)
if self.syn == 0:
return -1
# there's at least a synonymous count but no non-synonymous one
# this will be converted in the max value for the matrix or
# to some other value (-2 flag this case)
if self.syn != 0:
return -2
# There's no changes in the gene at at all. It should be
# checked if that gene has coverage.
return -3
[docs] def calc_ps(self):
Method that returns only the pS part of the pN/pS ratio.
float: the pS value, unless self.syn is 0, in which case `numpy.nan` is returned
if self.syn == 0:
return numpy.nan
return self.syn / self.exp_syn
[docs] def calc_pn(self):
Method that returns only the pN part of the pN/pS ratio.
float: the pN value, unless self.nonsyn is 0, in which case `numpy.nan` is returned
if self.nonsyn == 0:
return numpy.nan
return self.nonsyn / self.exp_nonsyn
[docs]class SNPType(enum.Enum):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.13
Enum that defines SNP types. Supported at the moment:
* unknown = 0
* syn (synonymous) = 1
* nonsyn (non-synonymous) = 2
.. note::
No support is planned at the moment to support indel mutations
unknown = 0
syn = 1
nonsyn = 2
[docs]class GeneSNP(RatioMixIn):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.13
Class defining gene and synonymous/non-synonymous SNPs.
It defines background synonymous/non-synonymous attributes and only has a
method right now, which calculate pN/pS ratio. The method is added through
a mixin object, so the ratio can be customised and be shared with the old
uid (str): unique id for the isoform (to be referenced in a GFF file)
gene_id (str): gene id
taxon_id (int): gene taxon
exp_syn (int): expected synonymous changes
exp_nonsyn (int): expected non-synonymous changes
coverage (int): gene coverage
snps (list): list of SNPs associated with the gene, each element is a
tuple with the position (relative to the gene start), the second is
the nucleotidic change and the third is the aa SNP type as defined
by :class:`SNPType`.
.. note::
The main difference with the :class:`GeneSyn` is that all snps are kept
and `syn` and `nonsyn` are not attributes but properties that return
the count of synonymous and non-synonymous SNPs in the `snps` list.
.. warning::
This class uses more memory than :class:`GeneSyn` because it doesn't
use __slots__, it may be changed in later versions.
uid = None
gene_id = None
taxon_id = None
exp_syn = None
exp_nonsyn = None
coverage = None
snps = None
def __init__(self, gene_id='', taxon_id=0, exp_syn=0, exp_nonsyn=0,
coverage=None, snps=None, uid=None, json_data=None):
If json_data is passed, that's used to initialise the instance
if json_data is not None:
self.uid = uid
self.gene_id = gene_id
self.taxon_id = taxon_id
self.exp_syn = exp_syn
self.exp_nonsyn = exp_nonsyn
self.coverage = coverage
self.snps = [] if snps is None else snps
[docs] def add_snp(self, position, change, snp_type=SNPType.unknown):
Adds a SNP to the list
position (int): SNP position, relative to the gene start
change (str): nucleotidic change
snp_type (enum): one of the values defined in :class:`SNPType`
(position, change, snp_type)
[docs] def add(self, other):
Inplace addition of another instance values. No check for them being
the same gene/taxon, it's up to the user to check that they can be
added together.
other: instance of :class:`GeneSyn` to add
self.exp_syn += other.exp_syn
self.exp_nonsyn += other.exp_nonsyn
if other.coverage is not None:
if self.coverage is None:
self.coverage = other.coverage
self.coverage += other.coverage
[docs] def to_json(self):
Returns a json definition of the instance
str: json representation of the instance
return json.dumps(
'uid': self.uid,
'gene_id': self.gene_id,
'exp_syn': self.exp_syn,
'exp_nonsyn': self.exp_nonsyn,
'taxon_id': self.taxon_id,
'coverage': self.coverage,
'snps': [
(pos, change, snptype.value)
for pos, change, snptype in self.snps
[docs] def from_json(self, data):
Instantiate the instance with values from a json definition
data (str): json representation, as returned by
data = json.loads(data)
self.uid = str(data['uid'])
self.gene_id = str(data['gene_id'])
self.exp_syn = data['exp_syn']
self.exp_nonsyn = data['exp_nonsyn']
self.taxon_id = data['taxon_id']
self.coverage = data['coverage']
self.snps = [
(pos, str(change), SNPType(snptype))
for pos, change, snptype in data['snps']
def _cache_values(self):
self._syn = sum(1 for x in self.snps if x[2] is SNPType.syn)
self._nonsyn = sum(1 for x in self.snps if x[2] is SNPType.nonsyn)
def _get_cached(self, attr):
if (getattr(self, '_nsnps', None) is None) or \
(self._nsnps != len(self.snps)):
return getattr(self, attr)
def syn(self):
"Returns the expected synonymous changes"
return self._get_cached('_syn')
def nonsyn(self):
"Returns the expected non-synonymous changes"
return self._get_cached('_nonsyn')