Source code for

Contains function and constants for Uniprot access
from __future__ import division
from builtins import range, zip
import mgkit
import logging
from . import url_read

"URL to Uniprot mapping REST API"

"URL to Uniprot REST API"

"URL to Uniprot REST API - Taxonomy"

COLS_TAXON = 'organism-id'
COLS_KO = 'database(KO)'
COLS_EGGNOG = 'database(EGGNOG)'
COLS_EC = 'ec'

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_sequences_by_ko(ko_id, taxonomy, contact=None, reviewed=True): """ Gets sequences from Uniprot, restricting to the taxon id passed. :param str ko_id: KO id of the sequences to download :param int taxonomy: id of the taxon :param str contact: email address to be passed in the query (requested by Uniprot API) :param bool reviewed: if the sequences requested must be reviewed :return: string with the fasta file downloaded """ params = { 'query': 'database:(type:ko {0}) AND taxonomy:{1}{2}'.format( ko_id, taxonomy, ' reviewed:yes' if reviewed else ''), 'format': 'fasta', 'limit': 200, 'sort': 'score' } if mgkit.DEBUG: LOG.debug("query: %s?%s", UNIPROT_GET, params) LOG.debug("request length %d", len(params)) fasta = url_read(UNIPROT_GET, data=params, agent=contact) return fasta
[docs]def get_mappings(entry_ids, db_from='ID', db_to='EMBL', out_format='tab', contact=None): """ Gets mapping of genes using Uniprot REST API. The db_from and db_to values are the ones accepted by Uniprot API. The same applies to out_format, the only processed formats are 'list', which returns a list of the mappings (should be used with one gene only) and 'tab', which returns a dictionary with the mapping. All other values returns a string with the newline stripped. :param iterable entry_ids: iterable of ids to be mapped (there's a limit) to the maximum length of a HTTP request, so it should be less than 50 :param str db_from: string that identify the DB for elements in entry_ids :param str db_to: string that identify the DB to which map entry_ids :param str out_format: format of the mapping; 'list' and 'tab' are processed :param str contact: email address to be passed in the query (requested Uniprot API) :return: tuple, dict or str depending on out_format value """ if isinstance(entry_ids, str): entry_ids = [entry_ids] data = { 'from': db_from, 'to': db_to, 'query': ' '.join(entry_ids), 'format': out_format } mappings = url_read(UNIPROT_MAP, data=data, agent=contact) mappings = mappings.strip() if out_format == 'list': mappings = mappings.split('\n') elif out_format == 'tab': mapping_dict = {} mappings = mappings.split('\n') # delete first row 'From to' del mappings[0] for mapping in mappings: id_from, id_to = mapping.split('\t') if id_to == 'null': continue try: mapping_dict[id_from].append(id_to) except KeyError: mapping_dict[id_from] = [id_to] mappings = mapping_dict return mappings
[docs]def ko_to_mapping(ko_id, query, columns, contact=None): """ Returns the mappings to the supplied KO. Can be used for any id, the query format is free as well as the columns returned. The only restriction is using a tab format, that is parsed. :param str ko_id: id used in the query :param str query: query passed to the Uniprot API, ko_id is replaced using :func:`str.format` :param str column: column used in the results table used to map the ids :param str contact: email address to be passed in the query (requested Uniprot API) .. note:: each mapping in the column is separated by a ; """ data = { 'query': query.format(ko_id), 'format': 'tab', 'columns': columns } mappings = url_read(UNIPROT_GET, data=data, agent=contact) if mgkit.DEBUG: LOG.debug("query: %s?%s", UNIPROT_GET, data) LOG.debug("request length %d", len(data)) mappings = mappings.split('\n') del mappings[0] categories = set() for map_line in mappings: mappings = [mapping.strip() for mapping in map_line.split(';')] if not mappings: continue categories.update(mappings) # in case an empty line is present try: categories.remove('') except KeyError: pass return categories
[docs]def get_gene_info(gene_ids, columns, max_req=50, contact=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.12 Get informations about a list of genes. it uses :func:`query_uniprot` to send the request and format the response in a dictionary. Arguments: gene_ids (iterable, str): gene id(s) to get informations for columns (list): list of columns max_req (int): number of maximum *gene_ids* per request contact (str): email address to be passed in the query (requested Uniprot API) Returns: dict: dictionary where the keys are the *gene_ids* requested and the values are dictionaries with the names of the *columns* requested as keys and the corresponding values, which can be lists if the values are are semicolon separated strings. Example: To get the taxonomy ids for some genes: >>> uniprot.get_gene_info(['Q09575', 'Q8DQI6'], ['organism-id']) {'Q09575': {'organism-id': '6239'}, 'Q8DQI6': {'organism-id': '171101'}} """ if isinstance(gene_ids, str): gene_ids = [gene_ids] elif isinstance(gene_ids, set): gene_ids = list(gene_ids) if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] infos = {} for index in range(0, len(gene_ids), max_req): "Querying uniprot ids (%d/%d)", index + max_req, len(gene_ids) ) info_lines = query_uniprot( ' OR '.join('id:{}'.format(gene_id) for gene_id in gene_ids[index:index+max_req]), columns=['id'] + columns, contact=contact ) info_lines = info_lines.split('\n') del info_lines[0] for info_line in info_lines: info_line = info_line.strip() if not info_line: continue values = info_line.split('\t') gene_id = values[0] infos[gene_id] = dict( ( column, value if (not value.endswith(';')) and (not value.endswith('; ')) and ('; ' not in value) else [x.strip() for x in value.split(';') if x.strip()] ) for column, value in zip(columns, values[1:]) ) return infos
[docs]def query_uniprot(query, columns=None, format='tab', limit=None, contact=None, baseurl=UNIPROT_GET): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.12 .. versionchanged:: 0.1.13 added *baseurl* and made *columns* a default argument Queries Uniprot, returning the raw response in tbe format specified. More informations at the `page <>`_ Arguments: query (str): query to submit, as put in the input box columns (None, iterable): list of columns to return format (str): response format limit (int, None): number of entries to return or *None* to request all entries contact (str): email address to be passed in the query (requested Uniprot API) baseurl (str): base url for the REST API, can be either :data:`UNIPROT_GET` or :data:`UNIPROT_TAXONOMY` Returns: str: raw response from the query Example: To get the taxonomy ids for some genes: >>> uniprot.query_uniprot('Q09575 OR Q8DQI6', ['id', 'organism-id']) 'Entry\\tOrganism ID\\nQ8DQI6\\t171101\\nQ09575\\t6239\\n' .. warning:: because of limits in the length of URLs, it's advised to limit the length of the query string. """ data = { 'query': query, 'format': format } if limit is not None: data['limit'] = limit if columns is not None: data['columns'] = ','.join(columns) if mgkit.DEBUG: LOG.debug("query: %s?%s", baseurl, data) LOG.debug("request length %d", len(data)) return url_read(baseurl, data, agent=contact)
[docs]def parse_uniprot_response(data, simple=True): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.12 Parses raw response from a Uniprot query (tab format only) from functions like :func:`query_uniprot` into a dictionary. It requires that the first column is the entry id (or any other unique id). Arguments: data (str): string response from Uniprot simple (bool): if True and the number of columns is 1, the dictionary returned has a simplified structure Returns: dict: The format of the resulting dictionary is entry_id -> {column1 -> value, column2 -> value, ..} unless there's only one column and *simple* is True, in which case the value is equal to the value of the only column. """ data = data.splitlines() columns = [x.lower() for x in data[0].split('\t')[1:]] del data[0] parsed_data = {} for line in data: line = line.split('\t') entry_id = line[0] if (len(columns) == 1) and simple: parsed_data[entry_id] = line[1] else: parsed_data[entry_id] = dict( zip(columns, line[1:]) ) return parsed_data
[docs]def get_ko_to_eggnog_mappings(ko_ids, contact=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.14 It's not possible to map in one go KO IDs to eggNOG IDs via the API in Uniprot. This function uses :func:`query_uniprot` to get all Uniprot IDs requested and the return a dictionary with all their eggNOG IDs they map to. Arguments: ko_ids (iterable): an iterable of KO IDs contact (str): email address to be passed in the query (requested Uniprot API) Returns: dict: The format of the resulting dictionary is ko_id -> {eggnog_id1, ..} """ data = query_uniprot( "database:(type:ko AND ({}))".format(' OR '.join(list(ko_ids))), columns=['database(KO)', 'database(EGGNOG)'], contact=contact ) data = data.splitlines() del data[0] parsed_data = {} for line in data: ko_ids, eggnog_ids = line.split('\t') ko_ids = ko_ids.split(';') for ko_id in ko_ids: if not ko_id: continue if not eggnog_ids: continue for eggnog_id in eggnog_ids.split(';'): if not eggnog_id: continue try: parsed_data[ko_id].add(eggnog_id) except KeyError: parsed_data[ko_id] = set([eggnog_id]) return parsed_data
[docs]def get_uniprot_ec_mappings(gene_ids, contact=None): """ .. versionadded:: 0.1.14 Shortcut to download EC mapping of Uniprot IDs. Uses :func:`get_gene_info` passing the correct column (*ec*). """ return get_gene_info( gene_ids, columns=['ec'], contact=contact, max_req=100 )
[docs]def get_gene_info_iter(gene_ids, columns, contact=None, max_req=50): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.3 Alternative function to :func:`get_gene_info`, returning an iterator to avoid connections timeouts when updating a dictionary This funciton's parameters are the same as :func:`get_gene_info` """ gene_ids = list(gene_ids) for index in range(0, len(gene_ids), max_req): yield get_gene_info( gene_ids[index:index+max_req], columns, contact=contact, max_req=max_req )