Source code for mgkit.mappings.utils

Utilities to map genes

from builtins import zip
import pandas
import itertools

[docs]def count_genes_in_mapping(gene_lists, labels, mapping, normalise=False): """ Maps lists of ids to a mapping dictionary, returning a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` in which the rows are the labels provided and the columns the categories to which the ids map. Each element of the matrix label-category is the sum of all ids in the relative gene list that maps to the specific category. :param iterable gene_lists: an iterable in which each element is a iterable of ids that can be mapped to mapping :param iterable labels: an iterable of strings that defines the labels to be used in the resulting rows in the :class:`pandas.DataFrame`; must have the same length as gene_lists :param dict mapping: a dictionary in the form: gene_id->[cat1, cat2, .., catN] :param bool normalise: if True the counts are normalised over the total for each row. :return: a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance """ categories = set(itertools.chain(*list(mapping.values()))) matrix = pandas.DataFrame(index=labels, columns=categories) matrix.fillna(0, inplace=True) for label, gene_list in zip(labels, gene_lists): for gene_id in gene_list: try: mapped_ids = mapping[gene_id] except KeyError: continue for mapped_id in mapped_ids: matrix.ix[label, mapped_id] += 1 matrix = matrix.ix[:, matrix.sum() > 0] if normalise: matrix = matrix.div(matrix.sum(axis=1), axis=0) return matrix
[docs]def group_annotation_by_mapping(annotations, mapping, attr='ko'): """ Group annotations by mapping dictionary :param iterable annotations: iterable of :class:`gff.GFFKeg` instances :param dict mapping: dictionary with mappings for the attribute requested :param str attr: attribute of the annotation to be used as key in mapping :return dict: dictionary category->annotations """ grouped = dict( (categ, []) for categ in set(itertools.chain(*list(mapping.values()))) ) for annotation in annotations: try: categories = mapping[getattr(annotation.attributes, attr)] except KeyError: # not included in the categories continue for categ in categories: grouped[categ].append(annotation) return grouped