.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Graph module
import logging
from future.utils import viewitems
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import itertools
from . import DependencyError
import networkx as nx
except ImportError:
raise DependencyError('networkx')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def build_graph(id_links, name, edge_type='', weight=0.5):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Builds a networkx graph from a dictionary of nodes, as outputted by
:meth:`mgkit.kegg.KeggClientRest.get_pathway_links`. The graph is
undirected, and all edges weight are the same.
id_links (dict): dictionary with the links
name (str): name of the graph
edge_type (str): an optional name for the `edge_type` attribute
set for each edge
weight (float): the weight assigned to each edge in the graph
graph: an instance of :class:`networkx.Graph`
g = nx.Graph()
g.name = name
for id1, id2s in viewitems(id_links):
g.add_node(id1, id=id1)
for id2 in id2s:
g.add_node(id2, id=id2)
g.add_edge(id1, id2, edge_type=edge_type, weight=weight)
return g
[docs]def build_weighted_graph(id_links, name, weights, edge_type=''):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.14
Builds a networkx graph from a dictionary of nodes, as outputted by
:meth:`mgkit.kegg.KeggClientRest.get_pathway_links`. The graph is
undirected, and all edges weight are the same.
id_links (dict): dictionary with the links
name (str): name of the graph
edge_type (str): an optional name for the `edge_type` attribute
set for each edge
weight (float): the weight assigned to each edge in the graph
graph: an instance of :class:`networkx.Graph`
g = nx.Graph()
g.name = name
for id1, id2s in id_links:
g.add_node(id1, id=id1)
for id2 in id2s:
g.add_node(id2, id=id2)
weight = weights[(id1, id2)]
except KeyError:
weight = weights.get(id1, 0.5)
g.add_edge(id1, id2, edge_type=edge_type, weight=float(weight))
return g
[docs]def rename_graph_nodes(graph, name_func=None, exclude_ids=None):
new_graph = nx.Graph()
if exclude_ids is None:
exclude_ids = set()
for node, data in graph.nodes_iter(data=True):
node if node in exclude_ids else name_func(node),
for node1, node2, data in graph.edges_iter(data=True):
node1 if node1 in exclude_ids else name_func(node1),
node2 if node2 in exclude_ids else name_func(node2),
return new_graph
[docs]def copy_nodes(g, graph1, name=None, id_attr=None, **kwd):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Used by :func:`link_nodes` to copy nodes
if name is None:
name = graph1.name
if id_attr is None:
id_attr = 'id'
for node, data in graph1.nodes_iter(data=True):
data = data.copy()
"{0}_{1}".format(name, data[id_attr]),
[docs]def copy_edges(g, graph1, name=None, **kwd):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Used by :func:`link_nodes` to copy edges
if name is None:
name = graph1.name
for node1, node2, data in graph1.edges_iter(data=True):
data = data.copy()
"{0}_{1}".format(name, node1),
"{0}_{1}".format(name, node2),
[docs]def link_nodes(g, graph1, graph2, id_filter, link_type, weight):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Used by :func:`link_graph` to link nodes with the same *id*
nodes1 = set(
for node, data in graph1.nodes_iter(data=True)
if id_filter(data['id'])
nodes2 = set(
for node, data in graph2.nodes_iter(data=True)
if id_filter(data['id'])
for node_id in (nodes1 & nodes2):
g.node["{0}_{1}".format(graph1.name, node_id)]['alpha'] = 0.5
g.node["{0}_{1}".format(graph2.name, node_id)]['alpha'] = 0.5
"{0}_{1}".format(graph1.name, node_id),
"{0}_{1}".format(graph2.name, node_id),
(lambda x: x.startswith('C'), 'CP_LINK', 0.0),
(lambda x: x.startswith('K'), 'KO_LINK', 0.0)
"Sample edge_links for :func:`link_graph`"
[docs]def link_graph(graphs, edge_links):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Link nodes of a set of graphs using the specifics in edge_links.
The resulting graph nodes are renamed, and the nodes that are shared
between the graphs linked.
graphs: iterable of graphs
edge_links: iterable with function, edge_type and weight for the
links between graphs
graph: an instance of :class:`networkx.Graph`
g = nx.Graph()
for graph in graphs:
copy_nodes(g, graph)
copy_edges(g, graph)
for graph1, graph2 in itertools.combinations(graphs, r=2):
for id_filter, link_type, weight in edge_links:
link_nodes(g, graph1, graph2, id_filter, link_type, weight)
return g
[docs]def filter_graph(graph, id_list, filter_func=lambda x: x.startswith('K')):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
Filter a graph based on the `id_list` provided and the filter function
used to test the id attribute of each node.
A node is removed if `filter_func` returns True on a node and its id
attribute is not in `id_list`
graph: the graph to filter
id_list (iterable): the list of nodes that are to remain in the
filter_func (func): function which accept a single parameter and
return a boolean
graph: an instance of :class:`networkx.Graph`
graph = graph.copy()
nodes = [
for node, data in graph.nodes_iter(data=True)
if filter_func(data['id']) and (data['id'] not in id_list)
return graph
[docs]def annotate_graph_nodes(graph, attr, id_map, default=None, conv=None):
.. versionadded:: 0.1.12
.. versionchanged:: 0.4.0
added *conv* parameter and reworked internals
Add/Changes nodes attribute `attr` using a dictionary of ids->values.
.. note::
If the id is not found in `id_map`:
* default is None: no value added for that node
* default is not None: the node attribute will be set to `default`
graph: the graph to annotate
attr (str): the attribute to annotate
id_map (dict): the dictionary with the values for each node
default: the value used in case an `id` is not found in `id_map`, if
None, the attribute is not set for missing values
conv (func): function to convert the value to another type
for node_id in graph.nodes():
value = id_map.get(node_id, default)
if value is None:
if conv is not None:
value = conv(value)
graph.nodes[node_id][attr] = value
[docs]def from_kgml(entry, graph=None, rn_ids=None):
.. versionadded:: 0.3.1
Given a KGML file (as string), representing a pathway in Kegg, returns a
networkx DiGraph, using reaction directionality included in the KGML. If a
reaction is reversible, 2 edges (from and to) for each compound/reaction
pair are added, giving the bidirectionality.
.. note::
substrate and products included in a KGML don't represent the complete
reaction, excluding in general cofactors or more general terms.
Those can be added using :func:`add_module_compounds`, which may be
more useful when used with a restricted number of reactions (e.g.
a module)
entry (str): KGML file as a string, or anything that can be passed to
graph (graph): an instance of a networkx DiGraph if the network is to
be updated with a new KGML, if `None` a new one is created
rn_ids (set): a set/list of reaction IDs that are to be included, if
`None` all reactions are used
graph: a networkx DiGraph with the reaction/compounds
if graph is None:
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for entry in ElementTree.fromstring(entry).findall('reaction'):
# the "reaction" defined is equivalent to a EC number, meaning multiple
# reactions IDs in kegg may belong to it. They are stored in the name
# attribute, separated by space
reactions = entry.attrib['name'].split(' ')
for reaction in reactions:
# Each reaction ID is (as usual) prepended by the type "rn", which
# we don't need
reaction = reaction.split(':')[1]
if (rn_ids is not None) and (reaction not in rn_ids):
# definition of the reaction direction, by manual either reversible
# or irreversible
if entry.attrib['type'] == 'irreversible':
reversible = False
reversible = True
substrates = []
products = []
reaction_type='reversible' if reversible else 'irreversible'
# separating substrate and products from the compounds listed in
# the reaction definition
for compound in entry:
cpd_id = compound.attrib['name'].split(':')[1]
if compound.tag == 'substrate':
for substrate in substrates:
if substrate not in graph:
graph.add_node(substrate, node_type='substrate')
# cases where the substrate is product of other reactions
if graph.nodes[substrate]['node_type'] != 'substrate':
graph.nodes[substrate]['node_type'] = 'mixed'
reaction_type='reversible' if reversible else 'irreversible'
# if reversible add the reciprocal edge
if reversible:
reaction_type='reversible' if reversible else 'irreversible'
for product in products:
if product not in graph:
graph.add_node(product, node_type='product')
# cases where the product is product of other reactions
if graph.nodes[product]['node_type'] != 'product':
graph.nodes[product]['node_type'] = 'mixed'
reaction_type='reversible' if reversible else 'irreversible'
# if reversible add the reciprocal edge
if reversible:
reaction_type='reversible' if reversible else 'irreversible'
return graph
[docs]def add_module_compounds(graph, rn_defs):
.. versionadded:: 0.3.1
Modify in-place a graph, by adding additional compounds from a dictionary
of definitions. It uses the reversible/irreversible information for each
reaction to add the correct number of edges to the graph.
graph (graph): a graph to update with additional compounds
rn_defs (dict): a dictionary, whose keys are reactions IDs and the
values are instances of :class:`mgkit.kegg.KeggReaction`
for rn_id, (left_cp, right_cp) in viewitems(rn_defs):
reaction_type = graph.node[rn_id]['reaction_type']
reversible = True if reaction_type == 'reversible' else False
for cp_id in left_cp | right_cp:
if ((rn_id, cp_id) in graph.edges()) or ((rn_id, cp_id) in graph.edges()):
if cp_id not in graph:
graph.add_node(cp_id, node_type='addition')
if reversible:
graph.add_edge(rn_id, cp_id, reaction_type=reaction_type)
graph.add_edge(cp_id, rn_id, reaction_type=reaction_type)
if cp_id in graph.predecessors(rn_id):
graph.add_edge(cp_id, rn_id, reaction_type=reaction_type)
graph.add_edge(rn_id, cp_id, reaction_type=reaction_type)
[docs]class Reaction(object):
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Object used to hold information about a reaction entry in Kegg
kegg_id = None
substrates = None
products = None
reversible_paths = None
irreversible_paths = None
orthologs = None
def __init__(self, kegg_id, substrates, products, reversible, orthologs, pathway):
self.kegg_id = kegg_id
self.substrates = set(substrates)
self.products = set(products)
self.irreversible_paths = set()
self.reversible_paths = set()
if reversible:
self.orthologs = set(orthologs)
def reversible(self):
Property that returns the reversibility of the reaction according to
the information in the pathways. Returns True if the number of pathways
in which the reaction was observed as reversible is greater or equal
than the number of pathwaysin which the reaction was observerd as
return len(self.reversible_paths) >= len(self.irreversible_paths)
def pathways(self):
Set which includes all the pathways in which the reaction was found
return self.irreversible_paths | self.reversible_paths
[docs] def update(self, other):
Updates the current instance with information from another instance.
the underlining sets that hold the information are update with those
from the `other` instance.
ValueError: if the ID of the reaction is different
if self.kegg_id != other.kegg_id:
raise ValueError('The reactions have different IDs')
# case where substrates and products are inverted
if (self.substrates == other.products) and (other.substrates == self.products):
# case in which they are inverted but contain a subset
elif (self.substrates & other.products) or (other.substrates & self.products):
# checks for substrates
if self.substrates & other.products:
self.substrates.update(other.substrates - self.products)
# checks for products
elif self.products & other.substrates:
self.products.update(other.products - self.substrates)
# logs a warning
LOG.warning("Unknown State %r", self)
[docs] def cmp_compounds(self, other):
Compares the substrates and products of the current instance with those
of another one, using information about the reversibility of the
if (self.substrates != other.substrates) and (self.products != other.products):
if self.reversible:
return (self.substrates == other.products) and (self.products == other.substrates)
return False
return True
[docs] def to_nodes(self):
Returns a generator that returns the nodes associated with reaction,
to be used in a graph, along with attributes about the type of node
(reaction or compound).
return itertools.chain(
[(self.kegg_id, dict(type='reaction'))],
[(cpd, dict(type='compound')) for cpd in self.substrates],
[(cpd, dict(type='compound')) for cpd in self.products],
[docs] def to_edges(self):
Returns a generator of edges to be used when building a graph, along
with an attribute that specify if the reaction is reversible.
edges = [
itertools.product(self.substrates, [self.kegg_id]),
itertools.product([self.kegg_id], self.products)
if self.reversible:
itertools.product(self.products, [self.kegg_id]),
itertools.product([self.kegg_id], self.substrates)
return itertools.chain(*edges), dict(reversible=self.reversible)
[docs] def to_edges_compounds(self):
edges = list(itertools.product(self.substrates, self.products))
if self.reversible:
edges.extend(itertools.product(self.products, self.substrates))
edges = [(node1, node2, self.kegg_id) for node1, node2 in edges if node1 != node2]
# Key is used in MultiGraphs to distinguish the edges of multiple
attr = dict(key=self.kegg_id)
return edges, attr
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
Tests equality by comparing the IDs and the compounds
if (self.kegg_id == other.kegg_id) and (self.reversible == other.reversible) and (self.orthologs == other.orthologs):
return self.cmp_compounds(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __repr__(self):
return "{}: s {} {} p {} - ({} - {})".format(
'<=>' if self.reversible else '=>',
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
[docs]def parse_kgml_reactions(kgml):
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Parses a KGML for reactions, returning a dictionary with instances of
:class:`Reaction` as values and the IDs as keys.
kgml (str): the KGML file content as a string (to be passed)
dict: dictionary of ID->Reaction
pathway = ElementTree.fromstring(kgml)
pathway_name = pathway.attrib['name'].replace('path:', '')
assert len(pathway_name) == 7
reaction_data = {}
for entry in pathway.findall('reaction'):
orthologs = tuple(
ortholog.replace('ko:', '')
for ortholog in pathway.find("entry/[@id='{}']".format(entry.attrib['id'])).attrib['name'].split(' ')
assert all(len(x) == 6 for x in orthologs)
# the "reaction" defined is equivalent to a EC number, meaning multiple
# reactions IDs in kegg may belong to it. They are stored in the name
# attribute, separated by space
reactions = entry.attrib['name'].split(' ')
# definition of the reaction direction, by manual either reversible
# or irreversible
if entry.attrib['type'] == 'irreversible':
reversible = False
reversible = True
substrates = set()
products = set()
for compound in entry:
cpd_ids = compound.attrib['name'].split(' ')
cpd_ids = [cpd_id.split(':')[1].strip() for cpd_id in cpd_ids]
assert all(len(cpd_id) == 6 for cpd_id in cpd_ids)
for cpd_id in cpd_ids:
if not (cpd_id.startswith('C') or cpd_id.startswith('G') or cpd_id.startswith('D')):
if compound.tag == 'substrate':
assert len(substrates) + len(products) > 1
for reaction in reactions:
# Each reaction ID is (as usual) prepended by the type "rn", which
# we don't need
reaction = reaction.split(':')[1]
assert len(reaction) == 6
definition = Reaction(reaction, substrates, products, reversible, orthologs, pathway_name)
except KeyError:
reaction_data[reaction] = definition
return reaction_data
[docs]def merge_kgmls(kgmls):
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Parses multiple KGMLs and merges the reactions from them.
kgmls (iterable): iterable of KGML files (content) to be passed to
dict: dictionary with the reactions from amm te KGML files
combined_data = {}
for kgml in kgmls:
data = parse_kgml_reactions(kgml)
for kegg_id, reaction in viewitems(data):
except KeyError:
combined_data[kegg_id] = reaction
return combined_data